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Karate is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Islands in what is now Okinawa, Japan. It was developed from indigenous fighting methods called (,"hand"?). Karate is a Japanese word that means empty hand and refers to a karate student's ability to offer a defense without the use of weapons. Karate is a striking art using punching, kicking, knee and elbow strikes, and open handed techniques such as knife-hands (karate chop). Grappling, locks, restraints, throws, and vital point strikes are taught in some styles. A karate practitioner is called a karateka.

Jujutsu, or Jiu-Jitsu, literally meaning the "art of softness", or "way of yielding", is a collective name for Japanese martial art styles including unarmed and armed techniques. Jujutsu evolved among the samurai of feudal Japan as a method for defeating an armed and armored opponent without weapons. Due to the ineffectiveness of striking against an armored opponent, the most efficient methods for neutralizing an enemy took the form of pins, joint locks, and throws. These techniques were developed around the principle of using an attacker's energy against him, rather than directly opposing it.
Jujitsu History
There are many styles of Jujitsu with its origins dating back to the days of the samurai. The small circle theory goes back to approximately 1944 when the founder Professor Wally Jay became aware of the fact that there was something missing with jujitsu the way he learned it.
Important Faces of Jujitsu
Professor Wally Jay

Professor Wally Jay began his illustrious career at the age of 11 with his introduction to boxing in Honolulu, Hawaii. Mr. Jay’s first exposure to Jujitsu was in his mid-teens when he studied under his first teacher Mr. Paul Kaelemakula. As his training progressed his studies led him to train with Sensei Juan Gomez who was a disciple of renowned Professor Henry S. Okazaki. Mr. Jay also studied under Mr. Okazaki (earning his black belt in 1944 and Masseur’s certificate in 1945) and under Hawaiian Judo Champion Kenneth Kawachi who taught him the basic skills of the “small circle theory” that started the evolution of a whole new system.

Karate doesn't teach weapons. Hence the name "empty hand." However, most karate schools include a kobudo (weapons) program. We teach the following weapons:
- Bo (Staff)
- Sai - The 'forks'
- Kama - small sickles
- Nunchaku - Horses bridle
- Sword - (short sword/long sword)
- Tonfa - Handle for mill stone, looks like a club with handle.

Self-defense is a countermeasure that involves defending oneself, one's property or the well-being of another from physical harm. The use of the right of self-defense as a legal justification for the use of force in times of danger is available in many jurisdictions, but the interpretation varies widely To be acquitted of any kind of physical harm-related crime (such as assault and battery and homicide) using the self-defense justification, one must prove legal provocation, meaning that one must prove that they were in a position where not using self- defense would most likely lead to significant injury to life, limb, or property
tai chi chuan

Tai chi chuan (literal translation "Supreme Ultimate Fist") is an internal Chinese martial art often practiced for health reasons. It is also typically practiced for a variety of other personal reasons: its hard and soft martial art technique, demonstration competitions, and longevity. Consequently, a multitude of training forms exist, both traditional and modern, which correspond to those aims. Some of tai chi chuan's training forms are well known to Westerners as the slow motion routines that groups of people practice together every morning in parks around the world, particularly in China.
Tai Chi History
More than 300 different known martial arts styles are practiced in China. There are two Chinese Martial Art systems, the internal and the external systems. The internal system includes Tai Chi, Sheng-I and Pa-Qua styles. The emphasize stability and have limited jumps and kicks. The external system includes Shao Lin, Long Fist, Southern Fist, and other styles. They emphasize linear movements, breathing combined with sound, strength, speed and hard power impact contact, jumps, and kicks.
There are many different styles or families of Tai Chi Chuan. The five which are practiced most commonly today are the Yang, Chen, Wu , Sun, and Woo styles. All Tai Chi styles, however, are derived from the original Chen family style.
Some people believe that Tai Chi was developed by a Taoist Priest from a temple in China's Wu Dong Mountains. It is said that he once observed a white crane preying on a snake, and mimicked their movements to create the unique Tai Chi martial art style.
Initially, Tai Chi was practiced as a fighting form, emphasizing strength, balance, flexibility, and speed. Through time it has evolved into a soft, slow, and gentle form of exercise which can be practiced by people of all ages.
What is commonly taught in the world today is Tai Chi without the Chuan-Fa. In other words people are being taught the internal, soft, energy building side of the system.
Tai Chi movements reflect and use Taoist principles such as softness, centeredness, balance, and appreciation of nature.
Tai Chi Chuan emphasizes a balance of yin and yang, the hard and soft principle. The symbol is in the form of a circle, and Tai Chi Chuan motions are often circular. Its correct name is Taijitu, or "diagram of the supreme ultimate." "Goju and Ryu" also mean "hard and soft" in Japanese; Goju Ryu is a style of karate.
As soft style martial art uses the attacker's force and momentum against him; Rather than meeting an attack with a hard block or forceful kick or punch, the practitioner "yields" to the attack and leads it in a direction where he will gain the advantage.
Tai Chi weapons include swords and sticks
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