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Kata Training
The Kata which is sometimes translated as a form or pattern, allows you to practice your combinations at full power with imaginary opponents. It is said that if, by the time you reach black belt, you can do two katas (and only one of them very well) your training is being maximized, The Karate Kata demands complete concentration and maximum effort from its practitioner. It is more difficult than sparring because you are 100% in control of the action

You get what you give
The kata has been the means used by masters to hand down their techniques over the ages. This fact in and of itself should give us reason to practice our katas.
Kata requirments
Kumite Training
The Invention of free sparring (Jiu Kumite) by Gogen Yamaguchi is a relatively new addition to Karate-Do.
Sparring will help with your distance, timing and spontaneity and development of self development of self defense abilities. Sparring in class is the closest you can get to a real fight without injury to yourself or your opponent. A constant change of fighting partners allows you to try your techniques in a partially controlled situation. The usual distance between partners is 30-36 inches but this will vary depending on individuals.​

Points that will make you a better fighter:
- Get in the best physical shape possible
- Have a calm mind when facing an opponent
- Have an active body; keep moving when you face your opponent
- See through your opponent’s attacks
- React as quickly as possible to your opponent’s move
- When you move in on your opponent, move in strong and with full conviction
- Practice basic techniques and combinations repeatedly
- After a foot sweep, you must strike
- It is not enough to hit with the body, you must hit with the mind and spirit
When sparring in the dojo remember:
- There is absolutely no head contact allowed or contact to the spine.
- Only light contact is ever permitted.
- Due to the risk of injury, it is not permissible to attack below the belt
- Dangerous throws are not allowed, but safe takedowns are encouraged
As you progress and develop control you will be introduced to CMAC international kumite rules which include more body contact and incidental head contact. But always remember that safety is the first priority when sparring with a partner in the dojo. The safest people are those that train. To ensure the safety of both yourself and your partner certain safety equipment is mandatory – ask Sensei what equipment you require!
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