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Heiko Dachi (Natural Stance) Feet are pointing straight ahead and are shoulder-width apart.
Sanchin Dachi (Power Stance)
Feet are shoulder width apart with the front foot turned inwards and the back foot’s heel turned slightly outwards. Knees pushed together and bent. Hips are contracted in an upward position. Often referred to as the hourglass stance
Zenkutsu Dachi (Forward Stance)
Feet are shoulder width apart and approximately 2 ½ shoulder width in length. The front knee is bent over the big toe and hips are square to the front. The back leg is locked and straight.
Sheiko Dachi (Straddle Stance)
Sheiko Dachi the same length as the Zenkutsu dachi stance. The difference is that both knees are bent equally over the toes which are pointed outward.
Kokutsu Dashi (Back Stance)
The front foot is pointing forward, front leg is straight and the back leg is bent at the knee with the back foot pointed at a right angle to the front foot.
Neko Achi Dachi (Cat Stance)
The back leg supports 90% of the weight, while the front foot (raised high in the ball of the foot) is used only for balancing. Length is approximately one shoulder width, back leg at 45 degree angle, front foot is straight ahead

Oi Zuki (Lunge Punch)
Explode forward thrusting with the same arm and foot while driving the other hand to the chamber
Nukite (Spear Hand Strike)
Fingers held firmly together the hand strikes out in upright position.
Haito (ridge hand)
Fingers held firmly together the hand strikes out in an arc towards the temple striking with the ridge of the hand.
Shuto (chop the tree)
The hand strikes out aiming for the neck area hitting with the meaty inside part of the hand
Yake Zuki (reverse lunge punch)
Explode forward thrusting with the opposite arm and foot while driving the other hand to the chamber.
Teisho (Palm heel strike)
Hand strikes out hitting with the heel of the hand.
Empei (elbow strike)
Keeping the fist clenched and the arm close to the body move the elbow upward in one motion until the fist is just past the ear
Rekkan (back fist)
Move the elbow upward to shoulder height and snap the fist outward hitting with the back of the hand.

Mae Geri (Front Kick)
Back leg lifts up to the chamber. The foot moves out in front and the hip thrusts giving maximum power to the technique.
Mawashi Geri (Round House Kick)
Back leg is raised to chambered position parallel to the floor. Standing leg shifts slightly to allow hip to rotate and raised foot strikes out hitting with the top of the foot.
Mitobi Geri (jump kick)
Front leg is raised to chamber and standing leg bends in ready position, and then takes off jumping and kicking out in front at the same time and finishing landing with the opposite leg.
Yokko Geri (side Kick)
Back leg shifts up to the front leg in the chamber position. Foot and hip move out to the side to strike hitting with the heel.
Hiza Geri (knee kick)
Knee is raised up and begins to drive in towards the opponent’s abdomen.
Kisensi Geri
Leg is raised to the chamber and foot moves out to the side and snaps down hitting the attacker with the heel in the shin/ankle area

Gedan Barai (low Block)
The left hand comes to the right ear, right hand is straight. Left hand drives down blocking with forearm, using expansion.
Chudan Uke (Middle Block)
Left arm comes to the armpit of the other arm which is held straight in front. Using expansion left hand moves across the body to block with the forearm.
Jodan Uke (High Block)
Making an X in front of the chest the left hand moves up above the head and turns outward to block using the forearm.
Hariatoshi (3 pt. Lower Block)
Shift into Sheko Dachi and raise hand high above the head and continues its arcing movement blocking downward. The other hand moves across the body and pulls back into the chamber.
Uchi Uke (Middle Block)
Left arm comes to the armpit of the other arm which is held straight in front. Using expansion left hand moves across the body to block with the forearm.
Soto Uke (Outside Block)
Left arm raised high to the side of the body, fist facing outward in line with the ear drives forward and twists inward to block in front of body. Right hand moves across body to the chamber at the same time.

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