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Introduction For students
- Always take off your shoes and place them neatly on the shelf in the designated area. Shoes are not allowed on the dojo training floor
- Print your name on the sign in sheet each time you come to the dojo
- Class starts on time. Never walk into a class that has already started. Kneel at the door and wait to be admitted. Once you have been given permission to enter, always walk behind the other students to put your belongings away and/or to find your spot on the line. This is the proper etiquette of the Art. Late arrivals are disruptive to the class
- Bow before entering and leaving the Dojo floor. Always face towards the training floor when bowing
- Always line up by belt order and await instructions from Sensei, Sempai, or a black belt who is assisting class
- Remember to address the head instructor as Sensei at all times. Nothing else is ever allowed, even outside the Dojo.
- All black belts are referred to as Mr. Mrs. or Miss and their last names unless they hold the title Sempai.
- When Sensei enters the dojo it is customary for the highest belt to call the entire class to attention.
- No talking while Sensei is talking or while students are doing their Katas. Also, do not talk to people looking in on the class or those walking by.
- Never leave the training floor without permission. If you don’t feel well in class raise your hand to get the instructor’s attention and you will be excused.
- Be sure to bring your safety equipment to each class. It will not be necessary for you to acquire equipment right away (headgear, cup, gloves, boots) however a mouthpiece is required almost immediately. One can be purchased at the dojo. Store it in a container with your name clearly marked on it.
- Your Gi (karate uniform) should be kept neat and clean at all times. T-shirts are worn under your Gi top but must be PLAIN WHITE. Be sure to sew your crest on the left lapel of your Gi over your heart.
- If your Gi comes undone while you are in class etiquette requires that you turn away from the front, kneel on one knee and repair it
- Always tie your belt in accordance with the belt tying procedures found in this manual or ask Sensei, Sempai or a black belt for assistance.
- Keep in mind you are one of many. Be neat. Have pride in your Dojo and show it by cleaning up after yourself
- All valuables should be left at home. If you do bring valuables to the dojo please place them in the designated area.
- Anything left in the change area or washroom will be left there or with Sensei for you to pick up at your next class. At the end of the month, anything not collected will be given to charity
- Children are not allowed to use weights or punching bags. Adults, the bags and weights are available for your use however we ask that you do not disrupt any class that is in progress
- Training in class twice a week as part of your membership – take advantage! We encourage Adults to come to as many classes as possible and everyone is encouraged to practice, exercise and stretch at home every day. The more you train the better you progress the happier we are.
- To encourage skill development students training in the children’s classes will be moved to higher level training classes or adult classes as they age or show progress in the arts.
- Training towards black belt involves instruction on how to teach the Martial Arts. A Shodan (1st-degree black belt) is a qualified instructor. To facilitate this learning, as you progress through the ranks you will be given the opportunity to assist in one class per week. Part of the tradition is that as one advances one then helps others along the way.
- In Martial Arts: Your word is your bond. Your integrity is a very important part of your Martial arts training. Don’t break your word! Among other things, this applies to pay your membership fees on time. We rely on you to do this so that the Dojo can meet its financial commitments
- If you go on vacation, are sick, or need to continue your training at a later date, let us know. If your membership is fully paid for we will put it on hold so that you do not have to lose any time and you can continue your training at a later date. Speak to the office staff for more details
- Dojo clean-ups happen regularly. This means that we give our Dojo a thorough scrubbing and do general repair work with your help. We encourage all students to come in and help. It is all part of your training. Take pride in your Dojo and ensure that it is always neat and clean. Tidy up after yourself and if you see something that is out of place, restore it.
- Grading or promotional examinations take place approximately every 6-8 weeks. Sensei will tell you when you are ready to take the examination. You will be given written notice during your regular class. This paper and the applicable fee need to be brought with you to your grading. Grading days typically take place on Saturday Page 17 afternoons and, depending on the number of students being assessed and the belt level being attempted can last 2-4 hours. Each student progresses at an individual rate. Don’t concern yourself with others concentrate on your progress
- Seminars are presented throughout the year at this Dojo, and sometimes at other venues, and are a very important part of your training. They are special classes taught by Sensei or visiting instructors designed to give you an introduction to another Art or help you refine your skills in a particular Art. All seminars and the applicable fees are advertised in the newsletter and on the bulletin board. Space is often limited so sign up early!
- Tournaments are held each year. Every student is encouraged to use tournaments as a means of mentally and spiritually testing him/herself. Tournaments are advertised in the newsletter and on the bulletin board Remember, Budo begins and ends with cour
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