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what we practice​

What we practice is what we become. Discipline, Commitment and respect these are the virtues we live by. When we live these virtues we become better people. To be a Martial Artist is to live it, all the time.

Dojo rules

1. Karate Ka (Students) will behave as ladies and gentlemen at all times, both inside and outside the dojo.

2. Higher belts will aid lower belts at all times and lower belts will follow the instructions of the higher belts.

3. Do not criticize other Martial Arts or other Martial Artists.

4. No alcohol or drugs before class; no candy, gum or smoking while inside the Dojo.

5. Each Karate Ka (student) will bow upon entering and exiting the Dojo – each and every time.

6. No Karate Ka (student) will provoke violence or allow himself to be provoked into violence under pain of possible expulsion for life from the Dojo.

7. No sparring without the express permission of the Sensei, Sempai, or Black Belt.

8. No loud talking, laughter or profanity is permitted. Remember the Dojo is a place of serious study.

9. Personal cleanliness is essential; nails must be clipped, feet and hands must be spotless and hair must not interfere with your training.

10. All jewellery must be removed before entering the Dojo.

11. All Karate Ka (Students) must wear a clean, pure white karate Gi (uniform) that has no tears or rips anywhere. Ensure that the Goju fist is sewn on the left lapel.

12. All membership fees are to be paid on time. If for some reason they cannot be paid, make the necessary arrangements with your Sensei either before or after class.

13. Under no circumstances will any member teach any form of Karate to any non-member. Also, no students should teach anything to any member without Sensei’s express permission.

14. At the discretion of the Sensei, any member of the club may be suspended from the Dojo, either temporarily or permanently, for not complying with any of the above rules.

15. All students should refer to the head instructor as Sensei (one who has gone before), which is an honourable way of saying “teacher” in Japanese.

Make sure that your jacket ties have been properly secured first (1,2,3). After you have folded the belt in half to determine the center (4), place the center point at your naval (5). Then cross each end around the back of your body (6) and continue the ends around your waist to the front and tie the knot as shown; right over left (7). From there draw the overlapping end of the belt up between the jacket and the belt (8) and complete the square knot as shown; left over right (9,10). It is considered a matter of pride for the end of the belt to be of equal length after the knot is neatly tied (11,12)

Belt tying procedure

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